
Longest Common Prefix | LeetCode 14

[Written explanation coming soon.] AFFILIATE LINKS Great resource I use to learn algorithms.40% off Tech Interview Pro: http://techinterviewpro.com/terriblewhiteboard20% off CoderPro: http://coderpro.com/terriblewhiteboard Here is the full implementation.

Palindrome Number | LeetCode 9

[Full explanation will be added soon.] AFFILIATE LINKS Great resource I use to learn algorithms.40% off Tech Interview Pro: http://techinterviewpro.com/terriblewhiteboard20% off CoderPro: http://coderpro.com/terriblewhiteboard Here is the full implementation.

Implement a Stack | JavaScript

[Full explanation will be added soon.] AFFILIATE LINKS Great resource I use to learn algorithms.40% off Tech Interview Pro: http://techinterviewpro.com/terriblewhiteboard20% off CoderPro: http://coderpro.com/terriblewhiteboard Here is the full implementation.

Two Sum | LeetCode 1

In this question, we need to determine if two numbers in an array add up to the target number, and if they do, return their respective array indeces. The key to solving this problem is creating a map that holds the numbers and their indeces. As we iterate through the array, we check if the …

Two Sum | LeetCode 1 Read More »